10 research outputs found

    Preprosti poskusi v interaktivnem fizikalnem laboratoriju: dijakova notranja motivacija in razumevanje

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    Experiments in different forms can certainly be suitable tools for increasing student interest in physics. However, educators continuously discuss which forms of experimenting (if any) are the most beneficial for these purposes. At the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, two different forms of physics experiments are offered to upper secondary students: hands-on experimental work in the Interactive Physics Laboratory, and physics demonstration shows where the students watch experiments conducted by a lecturer. Our research focuses primarily on student feedback about their immediate attitudes towards these two projects. Data collection was undertaken using questionnaire research based on the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory. This research was subsequently supplemented with a qualitative study examining the influence of students’ experimental work in the Interactive Physics Laboratory on their understanding of selected physics concepts. The results of the main research show that the two projects do not exhibit significant differences in terms of student interest and perceived usefulness; nevertheless, students felt the need for significantly more effort and experienced pressure during their work in the Interactive Physics Laboratory. One interesting finding, which goes against our original hypothesis, is that grades in physics are quite a strong predictor of students’ assessment of the projects: better grades indicate more positive assessment of both projects as well as less pressure felt during hands-on activities in the laboratory. (DIPF/Orig.

    Experiments in optics for secondary school

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    Název práce: Experimenty z optiky pro střední školu Autor: Jana Machalická Katedra: Katedra didaktiky fyziky Vedoucí bakalářské práce: Mgr. Petr Kácovský, Katedra didaktiky fyziky Abstrakt: V rámci této bakalářské práce vzniklo 12 strukturovaných návodů k fyzikálním pokusům z optiky využitelných na středních školách a vyšších stupních gymnázií. Tyto pokusy můžeme rozdělit do kapitol Geometrická optika a Vlnová optika. Stěžejní pro vznik této práce bylo opakované zkoušení zvolených pokusů, aby mohly být návody obohaceny o technické poznámky a doporučení k jejich přípravě a provedení. Všechny návody budou postupně uveřejněny v rámci elektronické Sbírky fyzikálních pokusů, která vzniká na Katedře didaktiky fyziky MFF UK. Součástí práce je také klasifikace pokusů a krátký přehled dostupných materiálů, tištěných i elektronických, které se zabývají fyzikálními pokusy z optiky. Klíčová slova: Fyzikální pokus, elektronická sbírka, geometrická optika, vlnová optika.Title: Experiments in optics for secondary school Author: Jana Machalická Department: Department of Physics Education Supervisor: Mgr. Petr Kácovský, Department of Physics Education Abstract: Within the frame of this thesis has created 12 structured instruction for physical experiments in optics usable in secondary schools teaching. These experiments can be divided into chapters Geometrical optics and Physical optics. Crucial for the creation of this work was repeated testing of experiments to enrich the instructions of the technical notes and recommendations for the preparation and execution. All instructions will be gradually available on the electronic collection of physics experiments which is developed by Department of Physics Education FMP CU. The work also includes classification of experiments and a brief overview of the available materials, printed and electronic, which deal with physical experiments in optics. Keywords: Physics experiment, electronic collection, geometrical optics, physical optics.Katedra didaktiky fyzikyDepartment of Physics EducationMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    Experimental sets in optics for Interactive Physics Laboratory

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    Název práce: Experimentální sady z optiky pro Interaktivní fyzikální laboratoř Autor: Jana Machalická Katedra: Katedra didaktiky fyziky Vedoucí diplomové práce: RNDr. Petr Kácovský, Ph.D., Katedra didaktiky fyziky Abstrakt: V rámci této diplomové práce byla provedena rešerše a byl podán přehled některých dostupných materiálů zabývajících se experimenty z optiky. Na základě toho byla pro potřeby Interaktivní fyzikální laboratoře spravované Katedrou didaktiky fyziky MFF UK vytvořena čtyři stanoviště, zahrnující kvantitativní i kvalitativní experimenty, a k nim příslušející pracovní listy pro studenty, kteří na daném stanovišti pracují. Jednotlivé experimenty, zaměřené na geometrickou a vlnovou optiku, jsou v této práci podrobně rozebrány, doplněny o návody k jejich přípravě a metodické poznámky. Na spuštění experimentální sady Optika navázal doplňující kvalitativní výzkum vlivu návštěvy IFL na pochopení vybraných fyzikálních konceptů, který byl proveden pomocí krátkého dotazníku na malém vzorku respondentů. Některé závěry tohoto výzkumu budou předmětem dalšího zkoumání. Klíčová slova: fyzikální experimenty, laboratorní práce, optika, střední školaTitle: Experimental sets in optics for Interactive Physics Laboratory Author: Jana Machalická Department: Department of Physics Education Supervisor: RNDr. Petr Kácovský, Ph.D., Department of Physics Education Abstract: As part of this thesis, a literature review focused on the topic of optics experiments was conducted. Building on the results of this review, four experimental stations were designed and realized based on the needs of the Interactive Physics Laboratory (IPL), operated by the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University. Corresponding worksheets have also been created and provided to the students participating in each given experiment. The individual experiments, which are focused on the fields of geometrical and wave optics, are described in detail and accompanied by instructions on setting up the stations, as well as important notes on teaching methodology. Following the launch of this Optics experimental suite, a qualitative study exploring the effect of visiting the IPL on the understanding of the related physics concepts was performed by means of a short questionnaire on a small number of respondents. Several conclusions drawn from this study remain as interesting areas of future work. Keywords: physics experiments, labs, optics, secondary schoolDepartment of Physics EducationKatedra didaktiky fyzikyFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Role of physics experiment in teaching

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    Experiment je velmi důležitou součástí vědy a existuje mnoho způsobů, jak ho zařadit do výuky přírodních věd. Příspěvek popisuje první část výzkumu role experimentu ve výuce fyziky na českých školách. K tomuto účelu bylo provedeno několik rozhovorů se zkušenými učiteli fyziky o jejich zkušenostech a názorech na hlavní aspekty fyzikálního experimentu.The experiment is a very important part of science. There are many ways to use the experiment in teaching from demonstrations to practical work. This contribution describes the research of role of physics experiment in Czech education. For the research has been prepared an interview with experienced physics teachers about the main aspect of experimentation and their experiences with the inclusion of experiments in the teaching of physics

    Experimental sets in optics for Interactive Physics Laboratory

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    Title: Experimental sets in optics for Interactive Physics Laboratory Author: Jana Machalická Department: Department of Physics Education Supervisor: RNDr. Petr Kácovský, Ph.D., Department of Physics Education Abstract: As part of this thesis, a literature review focused on the topic of optics experiments was conducted. Building on the results of this review, four experimental stations were designed and realized based on the needs of the Interactive Physics Laboratory (IPL), operated by the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University. Corresponding worksheets have also been created and provided to the students participating in each given experiment. The individual experiments, which are focused on the fields of geometrical and wave optics, are described in detail and accompanied by instructions on setting up the stations, as well as important notes on teaching methodology. Following the launch of this Optics experimental suite, a qualitative study exploring the effect of visiting the IPL on the understanding of the related physics concepts was performed by means of a short questionnaire on a small number of respondents. Several conclusions drawn from this study remain as interesting areas of future work. Keywords: physics experiments, labs, optics, secondary schoo

    Experimental sets in optics for Interactive Physics Laboratory

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    Title: Experimental sets in optics for Interactive Physics Laboratory Author: Jana Machalická Department: Department of Physics Education Supervisor: RNDr. Petr Kácovský, Ph.D., Department of Physics Education Abstract: As part of this thesis, a literature review focused on the topic of optics experiments was conducted. Building on the results of this review, four experimental stations were designed and realized based on the needs of the Interactive Physics Laboratory (IPL), operated by the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University. Corresponding worksheets have also been created and provided to the students participating in each given experiment. The individual experiments, which are focused on the fields of geometrical and wave optics, are described in detail and accompanied by instructions on setting up the stations, as well as important notes on teaching methodology. Following the launch of this Optics experimental suite, a qualitative study exploring the effect of visiting the IPL on the understanding of the related physics concepts was performed by means of a short questionnaire on a small number of respondents. Several conclusions drawn from this study remain as interesting areas of future work. Keywords: physics experiments, labs, optics, secondary schoo

    Role of physics experiment in teaching

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    Experiment je velmi důležitou součástí vědy a existuje mnoho způsobů, jak ho zařadit do výuky přírodních věd. Příspěvek popisuje první část výzkumu role experimentu ve výuce fyziky na českých školách. K tomuto účelu bylo provedeno několik rozhovorů se zkušenými učiteli fyziky o jejich zkušenostech a názorech na hlavní aspekty fyzikálního experimentu.The experiment is a very important part of science. There are many ways to use the experiment in teaching from demonstrations to practical work. This contribution describes the research of role of physics experiment in Czech education. For the research has been prepared an interview with experienced physics teachers about the main aspect of experimentation and their experiences with the inclusion of experiments in the teaching of physics

    Training camp of young physicists and mathematicians

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    Experiments in optics for secondary school

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    Title: Experiments in optics for secondary school Author: Jana Machalická Department: Department of Physics Education Supervisor: Mgr. Petr Kácovský, Department of Physics Education Abstract: Within the frame of this thesis has created 12 structured instruction for physical experiments in optics usable in secondary schools teaching. These experiments can be divided into chapters Geometrical optics and Physical optics. Crucial for the creation of this work was repeated testing of experiments to enrich the instructions of the technical notes and recommendations for the preparation and execution. All instructions will be gradually available on the electronic collection of physics experiments which is developed by Department of Physics Education FMP CU. The work also includes classification of experiments and a brief overview of the available materials, printed and electronic, which deal with physical experiments in optics. Keywords: Physics experiment, electronic collection, geometrical optics, physical optics

    Hands-On Experiments in the Interactive Physics Laboratory: Students’ Intrinsic Motivation and Understanding

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    Experiments in different forms can certainly be suitable tools for increasing student interest in physics. However, educators continuously discuss which forms of experimenting (if any) are the most beneficial for these purposes. At the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, two different forms of physics experiments are offered to upper secondary students: hands-on experimental work in the Interactive Physics Laboratory, and physics demonstration shows where the students watch experiments conducted by a lecturer. Our research focuses primarily on student feedback about their immediate attitudes towards these two projects. Data collection was undertaken using questionnaire research based on the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory. This research was subsequently supplemented with a qualitative study examining the influence of students’ experimental work in the Interactive Physics Laboratory on their understanding of selected physics concepts. The results of the main research show that the two projects do not exhibit significant differences in terms of student interest and perceived usefulness; nevertheless, students felt the need for significantly more effort and experienced pressure during their work in the Interactive Physics Laboratory. One interesting finding, which goes against our original hypothesis, is that grades in physics are quite a strong predictor of students’ assessment of the projects: better grades indicate more positive assessment of both projects as well as less pressure felt during hands-on activities in the laboratory.